Gardening tasks for May and June

Little time for your garden? Then be selective, do the important bits and let Mother Nature do the rest.

Liquid feed once a fortnight makes a lot of difference

Liquid feed once a fortnight makes a lot of difference


  • mow the lawn weekly,

  • regularly hoe off the weeds, do not let them set seed,

  • towards the end of the month, treat yourself to some frost-tender plants that will flower for you all summer and look great in borders, pots and hanging baskets: geranium, impatiens, petunia, lobelia and many others – the choice is yours, find your own style!

  • or, for a summer colour cheap cheat, fill gaps in borders with flowering annuals sown directly into the soil: nasturtium, cornflower, godetia, nigella, candytuft, sunflowers etc.

  • and for something pretty and edible, why not plant some runner beans, in your borders, too?


  • keep up with the weeds and the grass,

  • your lawn would now benefit from an even sprinkling of grass feed,

  • grow your own salad leaves, but plant them in containers, out of slugs' way (sprinkle some slug pellets thinly on the ground around the pot),

  • keep an eye on all your plants in containers, don't let the compost dry out,

  • top up the plant nutrients in containers, either as liquid feed added to the water or as a sprinkling of slow release granules,

  • give your evergreen hedges (box, privet, yew) the first clipping of the season to keep them in shape.

If in dry weather you need to water your borders, remember to water the soil, not the plants. If a crust has formed on the surface, break it up to help water soak in.

With nature in full swing, it's a great time to do some 'garden sleuthing'. Many private gardens open for the National Gardens Scheme ( – go take a look.